February 6, 2022
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Gospel Luke 5:1-11
Today's Bible readings deal with the calls of Isaiah Paul, and Peter, all three of them overwhelmed by a feeling of utter unworthiness in the presence of the Most High when they experienced him and heard his call (Saint Joseph Missal (2011), p. 1090). Yet, each one of them said "yes" to God.
For the complete readings of the day, please click here.
During today’s Mass at Santa Barbara Parish, Father Larry shares the following poem during his beautiful homily and speaks about our responsibility to challenge ourselves; to go onto the deep. He reminds us that Grace gives us the ability to charge forward and that nothing can hold us back if the Lord allows. Father Larry’s homily. There is also an image below on tapestry art from the Vatican Museum depicting the scene from Luke 5:1-11.

At Saint Joseph Parish, Father Roberto was guided by the Holy Spirit during his homily to remind us that just as Jesus asked Peter to go into deeper waters, Jesus is inviting us all to go to deeper waters; to challenge ourselves to see what is beyond. Father Roberto referred to Spain’s motto “Plus Ultra” which translates to mean there is more beyond this point. He challenged us to look beyond, to stretch ourselves to discover the many blessings that are beyond our preconceived limitations or comfort levels to form a closer relationship with God.